On this website we only provide information for informational purposes. This website does not provide legal advice. Each case is different and unique. The information on this website can be incorrect, old, and inaccurate, or not apply to your legal situation. So always hire an attorney to obtain actual legal advice.
The receipt, sending, receiving, and transmission of information does not create attorney-client relationship. In order for one to be created with our law firm, we must both formally sign our written Retainer Agreement.
You understand that by submitting your information to us, you are allowing us to contact you about your legal situation. Also, this does not create an attorney-client relationship.
This website is by CaliforniaLaw.com law firm with attorney Jimmy Hanaie. He is licensed to practice law in the state of California. This is a private law firm and is not associated with any government entity.
We do not guarantee results. Every case is different, and past success does not guarantee future results.
Our office is located in Los Angeles, but we can provide legal services throughout the state of California. We can come to your city to meet with a potential client. There are offices that we can rent on temporary basis near your city to speak with you there. Sometimes, we can drive to your home or office to meet with you. We use technology to provide legal help to our clients throughout the state of California.
Certain photos of this website are stock images.